Regulations and standards can be confusing. Which are mandatory, and which are not? Standards are tough to read, but interpreting them is even harder.
Energy solutions specialist Centrica CHP Solutions commissioned Bensons Control Panels, on a single source basis, to design, build, customise and install high-volume control panels as part of Centrica’s focus on delivering energy-efficient combined heat and power technologies for its customers.
When designing instrumentation for amplifying small signals, the process is rarely straightforward. Here, Matthew Youngs, Sales and Marketing Manager at signal conditioning specialist Mantracourt, discusses the key considerations for designing high-quality instrumentation amplifiers and signal conditioners.
The OpenADR Alliance has experienced significant membership growth to reach 200 members as the demand for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and supporting technologies increases.
PICMG, the consortium for open hardware specifications, has entered a liaison partnership with The Open Group Open Process Automation Forum (OPAF) to collaboratively develop interoperable, interchangeable technology specifications for the process control industry.